Finishing Trades Institute, Atlantic Canada: Member Training
"Our goal is to have the most expertly trained members on the safest job sites in Atlantic Canada"
FTI Scheduled Safety Training, by Local Union:
The Architectural Glass & Metal Technician (AGMT) Glazier certification program is now accepting applications to challenge the exam. For more information on what the program prerequisites are or on how to register for the program, check out their website:
About the Director of Training
Walter MacDonald is the Director of Apprenticeship and Training (JATF) Atlantic Canada.
Walter has been a member of IUPAT Local 1439 since 1996 and has worked in the industry as an Industrial Painter for 17 years. He served as shop steward for four years before being appointed to the position of Director of Apprenticeship and Training in 2010.
In an effort to provide quality instruction in both the skilled trades and in health and safety, he continues his education by participating in regional and international instructor development programs and also receives frequent instructor training at the IUPAT International Training Center in Hannover, MD.